The scientific name for Ginger: zingiber aovishinal (Zingiber officinale)
Is a medical plant since the roots are used in many remedies observation in all its forms (fresh, dried, powdered form, in the form of oil, etc.).
Mechanism of action of ginger:
Ginger contains many powerful antioxidants and minerals and oils such as (algingerol, alzingeron, etc.) where these oils in the stomach and intestines is improved bowel movement, as well as act as an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, antipyretic, and alleviate nausea when pregnant through their influence on the nervous system.
Ginger uses:
Ginger plant used in treating many problems such as stomach gases, diarrhea, loss of appetite, morning sickness, vomiting after the operation.
-Some people use this plant for juice processing skin burns and others used ginger to relieve pain.
-Give the flavor in some foods and drinks.
-Some used in SOAP and cosmetics.
Benefits of ginger:
-Benefits in nausea, vomiting after surgery, where one study demonstrated that 1 g of ginger that is eaten an hour before surgery relieves nausea rate equivalent to 38%.
-Nausea pregnancy: I have known ginger effectively reduce morning sickness when pregnant, but it is very important not to eat only after consulting a doctor, either morning sickness when pregnant or seasick, there is sufficient evidence for the effectiveness of ginger.
For more read "facts about nausea and vomiting"
-Menstrual pain: researchers showed that eating (250 g four times a day for three days) of ginger during menstruation (PMS) equivalent to the effect of painkillers kalaibobrovin walmivaminik acid in relieving pain.
-Joint pain: one study demonstrated that "eating 250 mg 4 times daily from ginger relieves knee pain after 3 months of treatment, and in another study compiled between ginger and another type called balkholngan (a faction alzengbiliat) they commuted from pain resulting from arthritis joint pain after standing or walking.
-Respiratory symptoms: Ginger helps relieve symptoms of colds and coughs, it expands the Airways and soothe some allergy symptoms.
Do not take ginger if you are experiencing the following:
-Blood diseases: If you suffer from a blood disease (such as anemia, leukemia, thalassemia, hemophilia (blood bleeding), etc.), eating ginger may increase the risk of bleeding in such cases, and also taking certain medications that prevent blood clots such as (aspirin, Clopidogrel), diclofenac, ibuprofen, warfarin, naproxen, and other medications.
More food affect negatively or positively medicine "
-Diabetes: prefers not to eat ginger diabetics it reduced blood sugar levels.
-Cardiovascular disease: experts advise not to eat ginger to persons who suffer from heart disease as some cases have grown worse as a result of high doses of it.
How to prepare ginger:
The work of ginger tea:
-Cut 2 inch ginger root slices and add a cup of water.
-And then simmer for 10 minutes. and preferred cover cooking pot to keep as much of the volatile components.
-Then remove the slices and drink the remaining water before meal. (Usually drink three cups of tea a day, one before each meal).
Ginger also is available in the form of capsules or ginger powder available, taken with or without food.
Storing fresh ginger:
Fresh ginger root is stored in a cool, dark and dry. And not in the fridge, even after the cut.
Preferably use ginger within 2 to 3 weeks to get the best effect.
Either ginger powder capsules, preferably from heat and light.
For more see also:
Antioxidants and cancer prevention.
Ginger and medical benefits.
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