"Marjoram" aromatic herbaceous Muammar, native to the Mediterranean basin, particularly temperate climate, warm, light soil rich in organic material. Virtually empty House in villages and towns from owning the plant from Arabic, which uses the leaves and flowers.
The ancient Egyptians and Romans Marjoram since before Christmas, they used him spices perfumed to their feeds, and made him one of the drugs, which were hospitalized. And Egyptian priests used to treat migraine headaches and tension nerves walnrfsh. As "diskorids" (first century AD) to lubricate the nerves. As Albert the great (1385-1450 m) the next Bank and womanhood. It believed that stroking the oil thins from pathological consequences caused by the use of hemiplegia is against dropsy.
And a French doctor who lived in the seventeenth century that Marjoram is the best remedy for convulsions. Doctors of the nineteenth century enemy houses, called used for redemption of insomnia.
The Arabs knew this plant, and advised by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, saying: "you balmrdkosh it a good llkhsham". (Anosmia commonly produces an apparent iscold). Word used in ancient times to treat blood pressure, dysmenorrhea among women, in addition to its usefulness in removing excess water from the body.
Usefulness of Marjoram according to modern medicine
Modern medicine has demonstrated the usefulness of Marjoram in treating a number of diseases, including: flatulence, chest infections and tonsillitis and trachea, stomach pain, infections and allergic rhinitis, colds, asthma, intestinal disorders. Apart from that, it is widely used in the food industry as a spice with meats and vegetables. You are advised not to eat during pregnancy because the uterine stimulant.
Medical specialist confirmed that the herb Marjoram influential houses, antidepressant, noting that research has shown that the extract of this herb affects the immune stimulus, equal to exactly the effect of grain. A researcher at the Department of Pharmacology at the National Center for research in Egypt, Dr. Mohiuddin laithi: "studies to demonstrate the therapeutic effect of leaf Marjoram extract demonstrated that his protective effect prevents destruction of liver cells, an effect against oxidation. He called for eating a cup of the herb Marjoram morning and evening, noting that his influential anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive heat exceeds effect of some medicines used in the treatment of these diseases. The hormonal experiments demonstrated that this ability to abstract the normal balance of hormones. (Note: put in a cup of tea fill a teaspoon of Marjoram and pour it boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes, then strain and drink).
Dr. abdelbasit Mohamed Elsayed found in scientific experimentation that retention of aqueous extract volatile oils of Marjoram has instrumental in regulating hormones, welaldosteron walbrostaglandin, a algarkloeh gland hormones. It was found that Marjoram regulates prolactin, that when tested by Cobain of aqueous extract from it, replacing chemical medicine, thus used in treatments for cases of irregular menstruation and indigestion.
Recently proved that the retention of aqueous extract volatile oils it lowers blood sugar by up to 15 percent. Also uses (i.e. extracted) in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatic pain, a sedative and carminative.
Therapeutic uses
-Emulsifying 40 grams of leaves and Marjoram flowers for ten minutes in liters hot water boiling, then filtered and sweetened drinks, at a rate of two to three cups daily. (Dosage: 2-3 cups per day).
-And taken after a meal to the revitalization of the work of the stomach and intestines, and eliminate any digestive disorder, to get rid of bloating, heaviness in the stomach.
-And taken between meals to drain phlegm and fever reduction in lung catarrh, and soothing throat infections and pharyngitis, inflammation of the intestine, intestinal colic, to get rid of the headache, migraine, cold and walnrfsh spasms.
Given before the 10 days it corrects menstrual dates regulates quantity of menstruation, uterine removes the COLICS.
-And taken one of the cups of milk before bedtime to eliminate insomnia and ensuring comparatively comfortable sleep deeply.
From abroad:
Geranium: chop 100 g of leaves and flowers of Marjoram, finely, and chopping with two cups of olive oil, and boil for an hour over low heat in a bowl into a larger Bowl containing of water enough to submerge the pot smaller until the level of the oil, then drain and squeeze out cloth and saves.
This oil has a wide reputation, tagged as tmsida against rheumatic pains, neck pain, sprain and sciatica and gout, and other nerve pain and spasms, used in treatment of hemiplegia and cause paralysis or twisting and relaxes.
It is advisable during the use of this oil borne emulsion Marjoram as Assistant for external processing.
• Ointment: mix 100 g Marjoram with two cups of olive oil, 100 g of pine gum boil for an hour in a bowl (Bain-Marie). This ointment is used in the same way for the same cases described her oil above.
• Nasal: mixing half teaspoon of Marjoram with emulsion of glycerine, taken something from cotton ykbekb kabakib small, one the size of a chickpea, then dip each time kbkobetin this combination cotton and made in the catarrhalis. Do this twice per day against asthma and nominated nominated brain.
• Dressing: a small grip of mediocrity Marjoram and make under screen, licking their wounds and sores alklom, impurities and accelerate admalha. And the dressing is changed every six hours.
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