Many people believe that an Achab medical able to cure many human almrad and it's very safe and not risk them on the body, what is truth? And what are the risks of plants and medicinal herbs? Is already very secure?
The following article by Dr. Subhi pharmacist Shehadeh feast * dealing with facts and myths that relate to the topic of herbal and medicinal plants and their effects on the human body.
There are attractive to herbal medicine since time immemorial and until now, is the fresh green gone eye and delight the soul, the essence of nature itself may seem safer, kinder cereal manufacturer, because the term (taking herbs for healing) RAI oral from taking the drug, the negative perception of the drug because of its ability potential abuse and misuse.
Why should if pharmaceutical companies that print the full warnings and side effects and negative studies when it announces its products as in all debates, that it is not that simple and easy, for example: is nicotine, heroin and walstrknin are 100% plant material but can be toxic or lethal as dose, summed up the old philosopher barasilos command the best expression (everything cm nothing without poison, only the dose makes a thing SAMA).
Most herbal prescriptions do not give any immediate results may be confusing to many patients who seek simple solutions to problems often show results for plants only after weeks or months of treatment.
Anyway from Indian cultures, Greek and Egyptian, Chinese and Arabic and Islamic civilizations are common weeds in his healthy drinks are useful for the body, however, still differences existed about the fact of owning these herbs for curative or preventive properties and especially against chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and blood pressure, and with the progress of science and technology laboratories and research medication has increased doubts about the ability of these herbs to cure or prevention, especially in cases of chronic disease.
And despite the foregoing, herbal Therapeutics in many Arabic countries witnessing a recovery and deteriorated markedly, especially with patients with chronic diseases, where practitioners of this type of treatment for this category easy fishing.
There are piles and heals prostate permanently within 24 hours when it was contacted by telephone found that the owner of the hair salon and the flood of the tip about ads for quick and easy recovery of traditional medicine deficit disease healing such as Vitiligo, diabetes, prostate and blood pressure, and even cancers too.
Healing plants this may help heal especially in simple cases and will not substitute for chemical drugs, but could help some minor ailments such as colds, colic, constipation, there are a number of herbs are universally recognized and is not more than the fingers on it safe herb benefit some minor illnesses mentioned above, and is often found in Prairies and Plains, even in the home garden such as Peppermint, Chamomile and thyme walmirmih walmlish.
This does not mean that without giving instructions and learned, for example if I Chamomile for colic in large doses and extensive drink may lead to insomnia and headaches, and Chamomile that are known for medicinal herb mildly from home and abroad, and science must manufacture the chamomile tea of fresh herbs or bags should resemble smelled the apples if smelled like malt is passe.
Either man herb bath, which is considered one of the most selling plants and is touted to get rid of some sediment in the urinary tract may increase patient chest crisis worse or may accelerate the onslaught of the disease where it lead to contraction of the bronchi and respiratory tract, as well as with locally renowned almlish plant it may harm the patient thyroid condition increases.
It must be mentioned the popular drink (licorice) sold on the roadside it locking up fluids and salts which increases patient blood pressure worse especially if taken on an empty stomach and in large quantities over a large Cup at a time.
As with world famous ginseng as a general tonic and reference for youth may not use more than two continuous year otherwise it increases the secretion of adrenaline and his ilk in the body which can lead to high blood pressure and insomnia have also kills the high estrogen, which may result in vaginal bleeding in women or if gynecomastia in men.
It is fortunate that the drug companies and their research and labs in recent years has begun to trend towards exploitation and extraction of medically active substances in some medicinal plants and the manufacture of pharmaceutical dosage forms and well-known and well-studied of medication with dosage and overlaps and warnings for example pharmaceutical tablets and capsules of garlic, ginseng, ginger and other walgnkobailoba.
The problem with selling and preparing medicinal plants to the consumer shall not be subject to the standards of the u.s. food and Drug Administration Foundation and standards of other relevant institutions, such as in the case of medicine, can attend medical effect alleges lotion herbal pharmacist without going through the clinical study on animals first, humans second and is required prior to the approval of the sale of chemical medication.
Marketing of medicinal herbs
Shop herbs usually based on alleged medical effects and legacy but transmitted from generation to generation but are not regulated like drugs, the second problem that sell you medical grass (Attar or other) have some information or a lot of them about this product but lacks medical information for disease diagnosis.
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